We had another action-packed month in October, and we the enjoyed mild, dry weather. We continued with our coffee mornings, our regular Heartwalks, the lads learned to make a bodhran and we completed our first five modules of the Digital Training Course.

Coffee Morning
Our latest coffee Morning was held in The Nook last week.
Over 35 people turned out to enjoy an hour of conversation and craic – not to mention the lovely coffee and scones!

The Heartwalk uses the Sli na Slainte route to give our members the opportunity of getting some exercise in a friendly and social environment.
For our most recent Heartwalk we went from Green Park to the end of the old boardwalk and back on what turned out to be one of the best days of the month.
Digital Training – Call for Volunteers

Our Digital Training Courses are now up and running in Cumann an Daoine and the first modules have just been completed.
We are now calling for volunteers to help coach our members in the use of smartphones, tablets and internet use.
If you feel you could help our members become familiar with the use of digital technology, and you can spare about an hour a month, please contact us by leaving a message on the contact page of our website: https://www.youghalactive.ie/contact-us/
Bodhrán making course

As part of the Men’s Health Week, Niamh Herbert of the Youghal Community Health Project organised a Bodhrán Making Workshop,
with funding secured from Healthy Ireland.
The venue was provided by Bru na Si and six of our members took part in the one-day course, where each participant took on the task of creating their very own Bodhrán.
Gardening Project

Over the summer months, a group of our members provided gardening support for the Youghal Community Health Project gardens in Blackwater Heights.
This included planting all the shrubs, weekly upkeep, pruning and general cleaning of the area.
We also built a special “junior” potting stand for use by the kids.
Garden at Community Health Project
Membership of YARA
We now have 165 members in YARA. We continue to expand our range of activities and we are now planning our winter schedule as, hopefully, restrictions are lifted.
Please contact us if you would like to join YARA – you are never too young as you will grow into it!
Our YARA support group is still available for members who may need help – this includes grocery runs, books through the library, or emergency maintenance work, or you can always call us just to have a chat…
Contact us on: 087 206 1934 or info@youghalactive.ie
www.youghalactive.ie or visit our Facebook page
YARA ….never too old to stay young